New Saturn Ransomawer
New Saturn Ransomware Actively Infecting Victims A new ransomware was discovered this week by MalwareHunterTeam called Saturn. This ransomware will encrypt the files on a computer and then append the .saturn extension to the file's name. The Saturn Ransomware is being actively distributed, but at this time it is unknown what distribution methods are being used. Unfortunately, this ransomware is not decryptable at this time, but it is currently being researched for weaknesses. In the mean time, if you wish to discuss or receive help, you can use our dedicated Saturn Ransomware Help & Support topic . How Saturn Ransomware encrypts a computer When Saturn Ransomware is installed it will check to see if the victim is running in a virtual environment. If it detects that it is running under a virtual machine, it will exit the process. If it does not detect a virtual machine, Saturn will execute the following commands to delete shadow volume copies,...