NOW M2M Mobile Numbers will have 13 Digits Number
Now M2M Mobile Numbers Will Have 13 Digits Number, Effective From July 1 2018
In telecom sectors same like IT sectors security plays an important role. So keeping this in mind the Department of Telecom (DoT) has issued a directive to all telecom operators to start issuing 13 digit mobile numbers to M2M (Machine-to-machine) customers.
The current user’s numbers will be ported to 13-digit numbers from October 1,2018. The operators are given a deadline of December 31, 2018 to complete all the porting. This will be a major change in telecom department since long time.
A senior BSNL official said : The directive from DoT had come on January 8, 2018, post which we have started work on it.
The telecom operator then said that the 13-digit M2M (machine-to-machine) plan will be implemented from July 1, 2018. After this date all the new M2M numbers will be allocated 13-digit numbers only. All the current 10-digit M2M numbers will start migrating latest by October,1 ,2018 and shall be completed by 31 December, 2018.
Confirming the development, the telecom operator, Bharti Airtel in a written response to Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India’s (TRAI) consultation paper on ‘Spectrum, Roaming ans QoS related requirements in Machine-to-machine communications’ said, “DoT has already approved the 13-digit numbering series for SIM-based M2M devices which will together exists with 10-digit mobile numbering scheme to be allocated for the Unified Licence (Access Service Authorization).’
Ministry to Communication written a letter to TRAI and informed that “13-digit numbering scheme has been approved for SIM-based M2M devices.”
Now do you know what actually M2M sim refers ?
M2M sim refers to the technology that enable devices and sensors or things to communicate with each other and with other internet-enabled devices and systems.It is also a better option for the telecom industry security.
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